Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Bodybuilding Genetics Truth

One’s bodybuilding success, as with most other things in athletics, is largely determined by one’s genetic endowment. Training can augment genetics if it is proper training,but the training by itself will not turn anon athlete into a world champion.

Similarly in bodybuilding, certain individuals are born with superior genetics for building larger than average muscles. These genetic factors include muscle length, as a muscle’s width will never exceed its length bone size, as bones that are too frail will not support a heavy musculature; myostatin levels the higher the concentration of this protein in one’s system, the less muscle one will be able to develop; and, perhaps          
most significant, the degree of muscle fiber density that is, the number of muscle fibers in a given inch of a muscle’s cross-sectional area.

 For instance, I may have four hundred  thousand muscle fibers in my biceps. ArnoldSchwarzenegger, by contrast, may have eight hundred thousand fibers in his biceps. If  both of us were to develop our biceps to be twice as strong and thick in size, his arms would still be twice the size of mine and there isn’t anything I can do to improve the situation. To compound the irony, if I  followed the most scientific training program in the world and were able to effectively  double the size of all of the existing fibers in my biceps, and Arnold followed a training program that was 50 percent less effective in stimulating the muscle fibers of his biceps, he would still have bigger biceps than mine,even though the size of my biceps muscles would have grown by 100 percent while his grew by only 50 percent.

     This is why asking a genetically gifted athlete or bodybuilder for advice, or basing your workout on such advice, is almost always a mistake.These individuals have genetic predisposition to be bigger and stronger than the average person long before they ever touch a weight.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Side Effect Of Performance Enhancing Stuff

 Since performance enhancing stuff act directly upon the nervous system, your personality being a product of your nervous system is the first noticeable area of change. The many psycho- logical symptoms noted while people are on performance enhancing thing therapy range from fluctuating libido to headaches, lethargy, and aggression. Research also reveals that these side effects are dose related and are reversible on cessation of the drug.

 The bodybuilder who considers using performance enhancing stuff is immediately faced with an ethical decision: is the end really going to justify the means? Does a moment of fame and medal really compensate for possible liver impairment, heart disorders, and sterility?

The reality of the situation is that performance enhancing stuff like most other things, have the potential to do the user much harm if they either are abused or are ingested by someone who is genetically susceptible to certain medical conditions such as liver tumours and heart disease. That detail alone should give one pause. The central problem is that an accurate assessment of how performance enhancing stuff will affect you can be made only in retrospect, and by then it might be too late. Too little is known of both the effects and the side effects of  using them.
make it natural with your effort

In my opinion drug-free,eighteen-and-a-half-inch arms are much better then getting that measurement in short time.always remember that  "THE THING WHICH COMES FAST GO AWAY FAST"                          

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Performance Enhancing Things

This article will lead you to your first intoro toward Performance enhancing thing used in bodybuilding.

Performance enhancing thing are synthetic derivatives of the male sex hormone testosterone.There are two components to any male sex hormone: androgenic and anabolic. The former refers to the masculinizing effects,such as facial hair, deepening of the voice,and aggressiveness, while the latter refers exclusively to the drug’s tissue building properties.
Performance enhancing stuff have been described   as the “scourge of bodybuilding" ironically, by a bodybuilder who later developed severe gynecomastia (a condition, resulting from steroid use, that develops breast tissue   
in males).

     Several international medical societies and sports organizations have also taken strong positions against steroid use, citing what they deem to be unsportsmanlike conduct and health hazardsthe use of Performance enhancing thing is viewed by many members of the athletic community as simply another means toward the attainment of this end. Meanwhile, the health-hazard threat has not been backed up conclusively, owing to a long-term experimentation in a controlled environment.

By increasing the ratio of testosterone within their own bodies, they would achieve a corresponding increase in their muscle sizeand strength. That would be a definite plus for their athletic endeavors. Ben Johnson is proof that, on the surface, their assumptions were correct. Bodybuilders in particular exploited this new drug. There are accounts of bodybuilders using Performance enhancing thing for the purpose of increasing their muscle mass as far back as the late 1940s.

I will post the bad side effects of using steroid in next article very soon.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Bodyweight Exercises For Mass Gain.

Bodyweight training can be effective. It can be a substitute for weights, if necessary. And bodyweight training can give you the burn without the iron.

Here are the five best bodyweight training exercises that give you great workout sand great results - without the gym.

1. Push-Ups (chest, triceps, shoulders)

The key when targeting the chest with Push-Ups is the direction in which your elbows travel. As with bench presses, the elbows must move away from the body to target your chest, and be kept close to the body to target the triceps.  Place each hand just outside your shoulders, slightly behind the line of your shoulders.Hands pointing straight ahead, upper body rigid as aboard.  6-15 reps.

2. Triceps Dips With Chairs

With your hands behind your back, support yourself on your palms at the edge of a chair.Your hands should be touching; your elbows should angle outward.Dipping in this position relieves a lot of stress on the elbow and shoulder joints.Lower yourself, keeping your back close to the chair.  Bend your elbows back and slightly to the sides.  Keep your body angled slightly forward throughout the motion.  Press yourself up until your arms are straight.  6-15 reps.

3. Supine Pull-Ups

Use two chairs and a pole - a heavy broom handle works well.make sure the chairs are stable and that the broom handle is strong enough to take your weight. You could be  injured if the pole were to break or the chairs to slip.Lie on your back underneath a low bar.  Grab the bar with a wide overhand grip.Pull up. Lower and repeat for 6-8 reps.

4. Lunges

Begin the lunge by taking a large step forward, keeping your head up and torso erect.Lower your hips and allow your trailing knee to drop to a point just before it touches the floor - never let the knee touch the floor. To return to the start,push off with your forward leg and then step back when the knee is completely straight. Repeat with other leg, 10-15 reps each leg.

5.Body Weight One Leg Squat

One of the most important exercise in training your legs at home is one leg squat.use a chair or stool and squat down on it.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Eating Before Bed

On the way of building muscles the most important thing after your post workout meal  is eating best nutrients before bed.

Like if your are sleeping for 7 to 8 hours and burning 90 calories per hour and if you had taken meal before 2 hour of going to bed and in these 11 hours your body will burn your own precious muscle protein to make energy to save your earned muscles eating before bed is good for your body.

The most important thing to keep in mind is not to take food high in fat or cabs before bed you must try to take food rich in protein as yogurt and three egg whites this protein will support your muscle growth.
The second big factor is that your body release growth hormone and testosterone during your first few hour of sleep as your body is doing large part of getting recovered and building muscle at night therefore make sure that you provide necessary nutrients to it needs

So, keep in mind that last meal before bed is a muscle gainer.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Importance Of Proper Form During Exercise

Try to recall one of the main thing your partner usually says during work out like This is not the correct way you are doing bench press,You may hurt your back with this form or your bicep wont grow because you are lifting wrong.Then you ask Your self where am I wrong.

The main reason is that every exercise require its own proper technique and the only thing which bring quality to your workout is your form.In this article you may find some of the common mistake in your workout which I have found with my own experience during my workouts at gym.

Proper form and technique of the exercise the most important thing when it comes to training because without proper form you are leading your muscle and joint under unbearable soreness and stress.

Proper Form For Lats Workout:

like Doing lats and wings workout You end up crushing your shoulders instead of exploding your lats.When performing your back and lats workout you should focus on range of motion,alignment and tension always keep your back flat and chest up with lifting with with your lats and back muscle and try to put no stress on your biceps as many people fell more soreness in either bicep instead of lat muscle after workout.

Proper Form For Bench Press:

The same thing goes on with bench press.Ask your self how many times you fell pain in your rotator cuff and triceps after chest workout to undo this your grip and alignment must be in strict form make sure the bar must not touch your chest,always keep your wrist straight and lower the bar with in the parallel angle of the floor.Focus on making arch in your back and make your chest up as much as you can so that all the load comes to your chest muscles.

Proper Form For Barbell Curl:

While performing biceps workout the main exercise you do is curls.Always keep your elbows close to your body and move the barbell with the same grip.Must keep your wrist alignment correct to put all the stress on your biceps instead of pumping your forearms.The other main thing to look is not to up you shoulder while raising the bar as when You do all the tension is broken between the rep and as a result your muscle wont grow.

Other Things To Remember:

Always do proper warm up before exercise.Try not to just complete your set and carry out reps try to enjoy each and every rep by squeezing you muscle and felling the pump and always check your form because it is the only thing which differ You from others.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

what's your body type

knowing your own body type is necessary in order to start training and building muscle in right way.

Types Of Body Type:

There is total of three main body types


Person having this type of body is usually skinny, slim with long thin arms and find it hard to gain weight and create muscle.the main reason behind this is the fast metabolism of the person due to which the body burn calories fast.Ectomorph usually need more protein and natural carbs.


Person having this type of body have good definite muscle fat bones and find it simple to create muscle by training and working out hard mesomorph body person are usually considered lucky.


Person having more fat and round torso with soft body is usually endomorph who find it easier to gain fat and the main reason behind this id the slow metabolism of the body which burn less calories.The fat usually stores in the lower part such as thighs and hip.

How To Determine Your Body Type:

By keeping in mind the points explained above You can check your own body type by asking yourself  few question and the answer will lead you toward your body type.

1.Did you find it easier or difficult to lose weight?
   If yes then you are endomorph.

2.Are you a skinny guy with slim and long arms? 
   If yes then you are ectomorph.

3.do you see your bodybuilding gain easily? 
   If yes then you are mesomorph.

In last it doesn't matter much that which body type you belong to You can build your muscular physique by working hard and training with proper form and not overtraining your body.

Saturday, 29 June 2013


Testosterone is a 19-carbon steroid hormone produced primarily by the Leydig cells of the testes (in men) and the ovaries (in women). Smaller amounts are produced in the adrenal glands of both sexes. As a "steroid", testosterone belongs to the androgen class of hormones that also includes dihydrotestosterone (DHT), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), androstenedione, and androstenediol.

Six other classes of steroid hormones exist, including estrogens (the bane of male bodybuilders), progestins (some female contraceptives are made of these), mineralocorticoids (which help control water balance), glucocorticoids (mainly anti-inflammatory compounds), vitamin D, and bile acids.In men, approximately seven mg of testosterone is produced each day, and blood levels range between 300 and 1000 ng/dL (10-28 nmol/L). Females, on the other hand, produce about 1/15th of this amount, leading to average blood levels of only 25 to 90 ng/dL (1-2.5 nmol/L). All steroid hormones are derived from the sterane ring structure, composed of three hexane (6 carbon) rings and one pentane (5 carbon) ring.

Types of Testosterone

1. Free Testosterone. This is testosterone in its purest form. It’s the crack of testosterone, if you will. The reason it’s called “free” is because there aren’t any proteins attached to it. Unbound to other molecules, free T can enter cells and activate receptors in order to work its virile magic on your body and mind. Despite free testosterone’s benefits, it makes up only 2 to 3 percent of our total testosterone levels
2. SHBG-bound Testosterone. About 40 to 50 percent of our total testosterone is bound to a protein called sex hormone-binding-globulin (SHBG). SHBG is produced in our livers and plays an important role in regulating the amount of free testosterone in our bodies. The downside to SHBG-bound T is that it’s biologically inactive, meaning our bodies can’t use this type of testosterone to help build muscles or boost our mood
3. Albumin-bound Testosterone. The rest of our testosterone is bound to a protein called albumin. Albumin is a protein produced in the liver, and its job is to stabilize extra-cellular fluid volumes. Like SHBG-bound testosterone, albumin-bound testosterone is biologically inactive. However, unlike SHBG-bound T, the bind between albumin and testosterone is weak and can be easily broken in order to create free testosterone when needed

How Testosterone Is Made

A small percentage of testosterone is made in the adrenal glands on top of our kidneys but  95% of it is made in our testicles.

The whole thing gets kicked off in our brain. When our hypothalamus detects that our body needs more testosterone, it secretes a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone. The gonadotropin-releasing hormone makes its way over to the pituitary gland in the back of our brain.


Having an optimal resting level of testosterone is extremely important for male health and body composition. Higher resting levels of T are associated with greater muscle mass, less body fat, better bone strength, and less risk of all-cause mortality as men age.
In addition, it’s been shown that suppressing T in young men who are resistance training leads to less muscle and strength development. The same thing happens to older women with low resting T levels.

Friday, 28 June 2013

5 Tips for Gaining Muscle Mass

1.Hire A Trainer:

Hire a personal trainer or get a workout partner with bodybuilding experience. It’s always best to learn from those who have been there and understand the type of training and nutrients your body needs. This is especially important if you plan to compete

2.Lift Heavy:

Most people who are trying to build muscle do not use an adequately heavy weight. You should be lifting in the range of 8-12 repetitions per set, performing 3-8 sets per exercise, and using a weight that leads to muscle failure by the end of each set

3.Use Compound Exercises:

Squats, deadlifts, military presses, dips, pushups, rows and chin ups should be your main exercise as Squats are king of the muscle builders, and they are not bad for your knees unless your form is horrible and/or you are half-squatting.

4.Eat Like A Man:

Some guys who complain about not being able to gain size just aren’t getting the job done in the kitchen. Proper muscle building nutrition is much more than broccoli, rice and chicken breasts. Eat a variety of whole foods each week.Eat more red meat. Eat more eggs, including the yolks. Egg yolks are nutritionally dense.You have to increase your calories in take for gaining mass.Drink plenty of water. Then drink more.

5.Good Sleep:

Sleep is when you recover and grow. Deep sleep boosts your growth hormone and testosterone levels and also helps manage your cortisol levels and improve your insulin sensitivity. Without sufficient sleep your results will suffer dramatically.

Thursday, 27 June 2013


Over training is an increase in work in ones training program or excessive overload of a training stimulus coupled with an imbalance between these stresses and the body's ability to adapt because of which the body burn his own muscle to provide energy

You can also experience it if you are the one who is working out in the gym for 3 hours and 6 times a week with 10 different exercises on every body part.

 Some Ways To Identify Over training In Yourself:

1.Ongoing muscle soreness (chronic).
2.Decreased concentration.
4.A drop in performance.
5.Increased joint and muscle-aches

if you find you are suffering from one or many of these symptoms then you are addicted to over training and if you keep Over training  it can literally lead to months or years of wasted training effort. The best way to cure over training, is prevention

How To Prevent Over training:

1.Stop Copying Other Routines

The problem lies in most of today's bodybuilding publications. We see the professionals looking freaky and massive, and read how they train twice per day, six days per week, and do 20 or more sets per body part! Most figure, "If that's how they got that massive, the same principals must work for me!"

What many fail to realise, however, is that because of steroids, growth hormones, and a plethora of other drugs

Trying to follow the routine of a pro bodybuilder will spell disaster for most of us, leading many down a road of frustration, and some to even quit altogether.

2.Workouts Should Last No More Than 60-75 Minutes

 There is no reason a workout should take longer than this. If it is, chances are you are doing to many sets and/or exercises, or, you are being far too social in the gym. If you are serious about getting big, get in the gym, do what you have to, and get out.

3.Most Work Sets Should Be In The 6-12 Rep Range

The rep range of 6-12 keeps the muscle fibers under tension for an ideal amount of time, and with enough resistance to affect growth. For your work sets you should shoot to reach momentary muscular failure somewhere between the 6th and 12th rep.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


Carbohydrates are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. They are the preferred nutritional source of energy. In the United States the average adult male consumes approximately 300 grams of carbohydrates per day. Females consume approximately 180 grams of carbohydrates per day. Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, which is the equivalent of protein. The average American diet is not only too high in fat and sodium, but also simple carbohydrates.

Types Of Carbohydrates
Just as with fats, there is more than one type of carbohydrate. They can be broken down into two main categories. They include your simple and complex carbohydrates. They can be further broken down into categories, including different types in each of the categories. I have outlined the categories and types of carbohydrates
Simple Carbohydrates
Monosaccharides - Are known as simple sugars.
    1. Glucose2. Galactose3. Fructose
Disaccharides - Are formed from 2 monosaccharide molecules.
    1. Sucrose2. Lactose 3. Maltose
Complex Carbohydrates
Polysaccharides - Are formed from multiple chains of monosaccharides.
    1. Starch2. Fiber3. Glycogen
    The Major Roles Of Carbohydrates
    Even though I am not a major advocate of super high carbohydrate diets especially for the powerlifter, carbs play a major role in the functioning of our bodies. One of the most important functions that carbohydrates perform is to serve as the main energy source or fuel. As powerlifters, we need a specific amount of carbohydrates to perform at our optimal levels. This is a variable that is different for everyone.
    The variables must be analyzed to find out how much carbohydrates you need per day. These variables are outlined in Chart 4A. As you can see, just stuffing in mounds of any type of carbs as often as you like won't cut it in terms scientific powerlifting nutrition. We will be discussing some of these ideas in part two of this series.
    Another very important aspect of carbohydrate consumption is the effect they have on protein. Carbohydrates are known to be "Protein Sparing". What this means is that carbohydrates protect the protein you do consume from being converted to glucose to serve as an energy source when glycogen and plasma glucose levels decrease. This process is known as gluconeogenesis. This occurs when blood glucose concentrations are too low. This in turn causes the release of the hormone glucagon.
    It is released by the alpha cells in the Islets of Langerhans. This is an area of the liver that controls both insulin and glucagon. This hormone is known as an "Insulin Antagonist", since both insulin and glucagon work at opposite ends of the same scale. The major problem with good old gluconeogenesis is that it can also consume lean muscle tissue.
    Having a proper supply of carbohydrates in your diet will also prevent hypoglycemia or what is known as low blood sugar. Symptoms include hunger, dizziness, weakness and fatigue. Nothing will shoot down performance like a nice bout of hypoglycemia during your training, so make sure you have the right carbs when your body needs them.

    Benefits Of Carbohydrates 
                                                     Provides energy to working muscles

    • Increases endurance for prolonged exercise
    • Increases brain function
    • Replenishes muscle and liver glycogen stores after workouts
    • Helps in the recovery process
    • Increases anabolism through the release of Insulin
    • Plays major role in cell volumization
    • Controls blood sugar levels to prevent hypoglycemia
    • Causes "Protein Sparing" effect so that protein is used to increase muscle tissue and recovery
    • Provides energy to working muscles


Your muscles need protein in order to grow. Without it, you'd be shaped more like Skeletor than He-Man (not a good look, if you ask us). Daily doses of protein are imperative if you're looking to improve your health and physique

Chemically speaking, a protein is composed of amino acids covalently bonded through peptide bonds to form a chain. It has a number of functions within and out of the cells such as structural roles, acting as catalyst, transporting ferry ions and molecules across membranes and hormones.

Nutritionally, protein is a macronutrient which assists in building up and repairing muscles and bones. It is the building block of life and the body needs it to repair and maintain itself. Every cell in the body including body fluids contains protein with the exception of the bile and urine. Human growth and development especially during pregnancy require protein to be successful.
ScienceDaily.com, an online resource of new scientific discoveries, recently revealed that it is protein and not sugar that keeps us thin and awake. Scientists from the University of Cambridge discovered that wakefulness and energy expenditures actually relied on orexin cells. These cells secrete a substance that stimulates the brain. When these cells malfunction, sleep disorders set in. Orexin cells also influence our energy levels. When scientists studied what nutrient orexin cells responded to, they discovered that proteins stimulate the orexin cells more than any other nutrient. They further discovered that while glucose blocks the action of orexin cells, amino acids, when they interfered, negated the effect of glucose.
In a 2005 study, it was settled that elevating protein intake helps reduce body weight faster than limiting carbohydrate consumption. This practically explains what we have already observed: protein-rich meals make people more alert than sugar-rich meals

Protein Intake Recommendations

The RDA for healthy adults (0.8 g/kg body weight per day) was created to allow for an individual's differences in protein metabolism-since people's metabolic rate can vary due to numerous factors. That recommendation for protein intake covers that vast majority of society-approximately 97.5%- which may be adequate for non-exercising individuals. Since exercise breaks down additional foodstuffs coming from protein, carbohydrates and fats, trained individuals require more calories-especially coming from protein to accommodate recovery and muscle maintenance

Protein Quality And Common Types Of Protein Supplements

Not all proteins are the same. Proteins that contain all the amino acids required to create new proteins are called complete proteins. Animal sources of meat are usually complete proteins. If you should choose to enjoy your protein from meat, choose the leanest proteins; those with the least amount of fat and calories. Best sources of this kind are fish, skinless chicken or turkey and eggs. If it should be red meat, choose the leanest cuts like loin and tenderloin.
Another kind of protein is incomplete protein. This type lacks one or more essential amino acids unlike complete proteins. They are usually found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. This type of protein may lack one or more amino acids needed to make new protein. Vegetarians and vegans are thus encouraged to enjoy a variety of protein rich foods in order to keep the body’s system in good shape and should consider having a good serving of beans, legumes, soy foods and soy milk.
Another healthy option to consider is protein powders.

Protein powders

With the rise in health consciousness, protein powders have become one of the most popular supplements today. Body builders use it to gain more muscle mass, vegetarians looking for alternative sources of protein and even health buffs who want to increase their quality of life by finding potent sources of protein. Due to its ability to provide essential and branched out amino acids in a highly absorbable form, protein powders can be considered as an alternative supplement to a well-rounded, healthy diet.
Protein powders maximize the effect of workouts for athletes and bodybuilders who enjoy a drink every day after a work out to help the body begin recovery by building new tissues and muscles needed to burn the excess calories and maintain a steady weight.
Despite the number of supplements in the market, not all are quality supplements as some contain substances inconsistent with gluten free and vegan diets. The most common sources used in commercial powders include egg, soy, whey and wheat gluten. A discerning consumer should shy away from soy and gluten proteins as they are highly allergic and promote inflammatory reactions within the body.
For those who observe vegan and gluten free diets they will find that brown rice protein is an alternative to traditional protein powder.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013



The benefits of pull-ups

The pull-up is a strength building dynamo. In just one pull-up, your body calls upon the following muscles:
  • Fingers
  • Forearms
  • Biceps
  • Triceps
  • Shoulders
  • Back
  • Core
Not only will your strength in these muscles increase dramatically from pull-ups, but your upper body will become bigger and more defined. Moreover, the strength you derive from doing pull-ups will help you improve your performance in other exercises like the bench press or overhead press.


First, a mental factor exists when doing pull-ups. Because you know the machine is helping you up, you probably won’t exert as much effort as you would if doing pull-ups unassisted. When you finally make the switch to unassisted pull-ups, you may still find yourself unable to do any.
Second, you don’t use all the muscles needed for real pull-ups when using the machine. When doing real pull-ups, your body has to call upon larger and smaller muscle groups all throughout your body for you to pull yourself up. A machine won’t recruit as many of these muscles. Thus, when you make the switch to doing unassisted pull-ups, you won’t have the strength needed to complete them.


A friend recommended this pull-up routine to help turn me into a pull-up machine. And guess what? It worked. In a month, I went from doing one stinking pull-up to cranking out 10 reps in multiple sets.
So if you’re ready to start cranking out pull-ups, here’s your routine.
If you currently can only do one pull-up, start out by doing 12 sets of 1 pull-up with a 45 second break between sets two times a week. Once you can do two pull-ups, begin this routine:

Week 1: 6 sets of 2 reps. 45 second break in between sets. Twice a week.
Week 2: 5 sets of 3 reps. Twice a week.
Week 3: 4 Sets of 4 reps. Twice a week.
Week 4: 3 Sets of 6 reps. Twice a week. If you’re able to do more, go ahead. Like I said, by this time I was able to increase my reps to 10.
When you get to the point that you’re able to do more than 12, it’s time to start adding weight to your pull-up routine


  1. Tree limb. Some trees have limbs that are perfect for pull-ups. When you’re out for a run, jump up grab on, and start cranking some out.
  2. Outdoor gyms.Usually a pull-up bar is one of the stations.
  3. Get a pull-up bar for your house. The last, and most convenient option, is to get a pull-up bar for your door frame.

Mental Boosters For A Better Workout

Bodybuilding is probably the healthiestactivity that any individual can perform.

The scientific literature documents that resistance exercise notonly serves to induce positive physiologicalchanges but also can help to enhance andmaintain our functional ability in later life.While this is all to the good, it remains truethat the first reason most people have for working out is to improve their appearance,and in this respect, bodybuilding is without peer in the fitness world.

Challenge// Face Failure Head On

Don't let fear of failure leave you stagnant. Apprehension will cause you to hold a steady, creeping pace. This isn't bad in and of itself, but let's be frank: There's a time to be cautious, and a time to let enthusiasm stamp down on the accelerator. Life is a journey, but you don't get there by driving the same speed both in the school zone and on the freeway.
Instead of thinking of your ambitious goal as a guaranteed failure, tackle your challenge by recognizing it as a step toward a stronger you—no matter what comes out of it

 Embrace Failure!

It might hurt to hear this but, you should know that you are going to fail, and probably more than once before you reach your ultimate potential.
Even if you exert the utmost control over your diet and training, you're going to have setbacks like bad workouts, periods of low energy, injuries, and external stress.
Know that this isn't an excuse to be undisciplined, but an understanding that you'll have to stay in the game for the long haul. If you don't understand the likelihood of occasional setbacks, every mishap will seem like the end of the world.
Keep those failures to a minimum by remembering that you can never be forced to eat bad foods or sit on the couch instead of going to the gym. Optimize everything you can control, and understand that the things you can't control may sometimes bring you down. The right mindset will allow you to bounce back as soon as possible!