Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Importance Of Proper Form During Exercise

Try to recall one of the main thing your partner usually says during work out like This is not the correct way you are doing bench press,You may hurt your back with this form or your bicep wont grow because you are lifting wrong.Then you ask Your self where am I wrong.

The main reason is that every exercise require its own proper technique and the only thing which bring quality to your workout is your form.In this article you may find some of the common mistake in your workout which I have found with my own experience during my workouts at gym.

Proper form and technique of the exercise the most important thing when it comes to training because without proper form you are leading your muscle and joint under unbearable soreness and stress.

Proper Form For Lats Workout:

like Doing lats and wings workout You end up crushing your shoulders instead of exploding your lats.When performing your back and lats workout you should focus on range of motion,alignment and tension always keep your back flat and chest up with lifting with with your lats and back muscle and try to put no stress on your biceps as many people fell more soreness in either bicep instead of lat muscle after workout.

Proper Form For Bench Press:

The same thing goes on with bench press.Ask your self how many times you fell pain in your rotator cuff and triceps after chest workout to undo this your grip and alignment must be in strict form make sure the bar must not touch your chest,always keep your wrist straight and lower the bar with in the parallel angle of the floor.Focus on making arch in your back and make your chest up as much as you can so that all the load comes to your chest muscles.

Proper Form For Barbell Curl:

While performing biceps workout the main exercise you do is curls.Always keep your elbows close to your body and move the barbell with the same grip.Must keep your wrist alignment correct to put all the stress on your biceps instead of pumping your forearms.The other main thing to look is not to up you shoulder while raising the bar as when You do all the tension is broken between the rep and as a result your muscle wont grow.

Other Things To Remember:

Always do proper warm up before exercise.Try not to just complete your set and carry out reps try to enjoy each and every rep by squeezing you muscle and felling the pump and always check your form because it is the only thing which differ You from others.

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