This article will lead you to your first intoro toward Performance enhancing thing used in bodybuilding.
Performance enhancing thing are synthetic derivatives of the male sex hormone testosterone.There are two components to any male sex hormone: androgenic and anabolic. The former refers to the masculinizing effects,such as facial hair, deepening of the voice,and aggressiveness, while the latter refers exclusively to the drug’s tissue building properties.
Performance enhancing stuff have been described as the “scourge of bodybuilding" ironically, by a bodybuilder who later developed severe gynecomastia (a condition, resulting from steroid use, that develops breast tissue
in males).
Several international medical societies and sports organizations have also taken strong positions against steroid use, citing what they deem to be unsportsmanlike conduct and health hazardsthe use of Performance enhancing thing is viewed by many members of the athletic community as simply another means toward the attainment of this end. Meanwhile, the health-hazard threat has not been backed up conclusively, owing to a long-term experimentation in a controlled environment.
By increasing the ratio of testosterone within their own bodies, they would achieve a corresponding increase in their muscle sizeand strength. That would be a definite plus for their athletic endeavors. Ben Johnson is proof that, on the surface, their assumptions were correct. Bodybuilders in particular exploited this new drug. There are accounts of bodybuilders using Performance enhancing thing for the purpose of increasing their muscle mass as far back as the late 1940s.
I will post the bad side effects of using steroid in next article very soon.
Performance enhancing thing are synthetic derivatives of the male sex hormone testosterone.There are two components to any male sex hormone: androgenic and anabolic. The former refers to the masculinizing effects,such as facial hair, deepening of the voice,and aggressiveness, while the latter refers exclusively to the drug’s tissue building properties.
Performance enhancing stuff have been described as the “scourge of bodybuilding" ironically, by a bodybuilder who later developed severe gynecomastia (a condition, resulting from steroid use, that develops breast tissue
in males).
Several international medical societies and sports organizations have also taken strong positions against steroid use, citing what they deem to be unsportsmanlike conduct and health hazardsthe use of Performance enhancing thing is viewed by many members of the athletic community as simply another means toward the attainment of this end. Meanwhile, the health-hazard threat has not been backed up conclusively, owing to a long-term experimentation in a controlled environment.
By increasing the ratio of testosterone within their own bodies, they would achieve a corresponding increase in their muscle sizeand strength. That would be a definite plus for their athletic endeavors. Ben Johnson is proof that, on the surface, their assumptions were correct. Bodybuilders in particular exploited this new drug. There are accounts of bodybuilders using Performance enhancing thing for the purpose of increasing their muscle mass as far back as the late 1940s.
I will post the bad side effects of using steroid in next article very soon.
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