Tuesday 9 July 2013

Bodybuilding Genetics Truth

One’s bodybuilding success, as with most other things in athletics, is largely determined by one’s genetic endowment. Training can augment genetics if it is proper training,but the training by itself will not turn anon athlete into a world champion.

Similarly in bodybuilding, certain individuals are born with superior genetics for building larger than average muscles. These genetic factors include muscle length, as a muscle’s width will never exceed its length bone size, as bones that are too frail will not support a heavy musculature; myostatin levels the higher the concentration of this protein in one’s system, the less muscle one will be able to develop; and, perhaps          
most significant, the degree of muscle fiber density that is, the number of muscle fibers in a given inch of a muscle’s cross-sectional area.

 For instance, I may have four hundred  thousand muscle fibers in my biceps. ArnoldSchwarzenegger, by contrast, may have eight hundred thousand fibers in his biceps. If  both of us were to develop our biceps to be twice as strong and thick in size, his arms would still be twice the size of mine and there isn’t anything I can do to improve the situation. To compound the irony, if I  followed the most scientific training program in the world and were able to effectively  double the size of all of the existing fibers in my biceps, and Arnold followed a training program that was 50 percent less effective in stimulating the muscle fibers of his biceps, he would still have bigger biceps than mine,even though the size of my biceps muscles would have grown by 100 percent while his grew by only 50 percent.

     This is why asking a genetically gifted athlete or bodybuilder for advice, or basing your workout on such advice, is almost always a mistake.These individuals have genetic predisposition to be bigger and stronger than the average person long before they ever touch a weight.

Monday 8 July 2013

Side Effect Of Performance Enhancing Stuff

 Since performance enhancing stuff act directly upon the nervous system, your personality being a product of your nervous system is the first noticeable area of change. The many psycho- logical symptoms noted while people are on performance enhancing thing therapy range from fluctuating libido to headaches, lethargy, and aggression. Research also reveals that these side effects are dose related and are reversible on cessation of the drug.

 The bodybuilder who considers using performance enhancing stuff is immediately faced with an ethical decision: is the end really going to justify the means? Does a moment of fame and medal really compensate for possible liver impairment, heart disorders, and sterility?

The reality of the situation is that performance enhancing stuff like most other things, have the potential to do the user much harm if they either are abused or are ingested by someone who is genetically susceptible to certain medical conditions such as liver tumours and heart disease. That detail alone should give one pause. The central problem is that an accurate assessment of how performance enhancing stuff will affect you can be made only in retrospect, and by then it might be too late. Too little is known of both the effects and the side effects of  using them.
make it natural with your effort

In my opinion drug-free,eighteen-and-a-half-inch arms are much better then getting that measurement in short time.always remember that  "THE THING WHICH COMES FAST GO AWAY FAST"                          

Sunday 7 July 2013

Performance Enhancing Things

This article will lead you to your first intoro toward Performance enhancing thing used in bodybuilding.

Performance enhancing thing are synthetic derivatives of the male sex hormone testosterone.There are two components to any male sex hormone: androgenic and anabolic. The former refers to the masculinizing effects,such as facial hair, deepening of the voice,and aggressiveness, while the latter refers exclusively to the drug’s tissue building properties.
Performance enhancing stuff have been described   as the “scourge of bodybuilding" ironically, by a bodybuilder who later developed severe gynecomastia (a condition, resulting from steroid use, that develops breast tissue   
in males).

     Several international medical societies and sports organizations have also taken strong positions against steroid use, citing what they deem to be unsportsmanlike conduct and health hazardsthe use of Performance enhancing thing is viewed by many members of the athletic community as simply another means toward the attainment of this end. Meanwhile, the health-hazard threat has not been backed up conclusively, owing to a long-term experimentation in a controlled environment.

By increasing the ratio of testosterone within their own bodies, they would achieve a corresponding increase in their muscle sizeand strength. That would be a definite plus for their athletic endeavors. Ben Johnson is proof that, on the surface, their assumptions were correct. Bodybuilders in particular exploited this new drug. There are accounts of bodybuilders using Performance enhancing thing for the purpose of increasing their muscle mass as far back as the late 1940s.

I will post the bad side effects of using steroid in next article very soon.

Friday 5 July 2013

Bodyweight Exercises For Mass Gain.

Bodyweight training can be effective. It can be a substitute for weights, if necessary. And bodyweight training can give you the burn without the iron.

Here are the five best bodyweight training exercises that give you great workout sand great results - without the gym.

1. Push-Ups (chest, triceps, shoulders)

The key when targeting the chest with Push-Ups is the direction in which your elbows travel. As with bench presses, the elbows must move away from the body to target your chest, and be kept close to the body to target the triceps.  Place each hand just outside your shoulders, slightly behind the line of your shoulders.Hands pointing straight ahead, upper body rigid as aboard.  6-15 reps.

2. Triceps Dips With Chairs

With your hands behind your back, support yourself on your palms at the edge of a chair.Your hands should be touching; your elbows should angle outward.Dipping in this position relieves a lot of stress on the elbow and shoulder joints.Lower yourself, keeping your back close to the chair.  Bend your elbows back and slightly to the sides.  Keep your body angled slightly forward throughout the motion.  Press yourself up until your arms are straight.  6-15 reps.

3. Supine Pull-Ups

Use two chairs and a pole - a heavy broom handle works well.make sure the chairs are stable and that the broom handle is strong enough to take your weight. You could be  injured if the pole were to break or the chairs to slip.Lie on your back underneath a low bar.  Grab the bar with a wide overhand grip.Pull up. Lower and repeat for 6-8 reps.

4. Lunges

Begin the lunge by taking a large step forward, keeping your head up and torso erect.Lower your hips and allow your trailing knee to drop to a point just before it touches the floor - never let the knee touch the floor. To return to the start,push off with your forward leg and then step back when the knee is completely straight. Repeat with other leg, 10-15 reps each leg.

5.Body Weight One Leg Squat

One of the most important exercise in training your legs at home is one leg squat.use a chair or stool and squat down on it.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Eating Before Bed

On the way of building muscles the most important thing after your post workout meal  is eating best nutrients before bed.

Like if your are sleeping for 7 to 8 hours and burning 90 calories per hour and if you had taken meal before 2 hour of going to bed and in these 11 hours your body will burn your own precious muscle protein to make energy to save your earned muscles eating before bed is good for your body.

The most important thing to keep in mind is not to take food high in fat or cabs before bed you must try to take food rich in protein as yogurt and three egg whites this protein will support your muscle growth.
The second big factor is that your body release growth hormone and testosterone during your first few hour of sleep as your body is doing large part of getting recovered and building muscle at night therefore make sure that you provide necessary nutrients to it needs

So, keep in mind that last meal before bed is a muscle gainer.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Importance Of Proper Form During Exercise

Try to recall one of the main thing your partner usually says during work out like This is not the correct way you are doing bench press,You may hurt your back with this form or your bicep wont grow because you are lifting wrong.Then you ask Your self where am I wrong.

The main reason is that every exercise require its own proper technique and the only thing which bring quality to your workout is your form.In this article you may find some of the common mistake in your workout which I have found with my own experience during my workouts at gym.

Proper form and technique of the exercise the most important thing when it comes to training because without proper form you are leading your muscle and joint under unbearable soreness and stress.

Proper Form For Lats Workout:

like Doing lats and wings workout You end up crushing your shoulders instead of exploding your lats.When performing your back and lats workout you should focus on range of motion,alignment and tension always keep your back flat and chest up with lifting with with your lats and back muscle and try to put no stress on your biceps as many people fell more soreness in either bicep instead of lat muscle after workout.

Proper Form For Bench Press:

The same thing goes on with bench press.Ask your self how many times you fell pain in your rotator cuff and triceps after chest workout to undo this your grip and alignment must be in strict form make sure the bar must not touch your chest,always keep your wrist straight and lower the bar with in the parallel angle of the floor.Focus on making arch in your back and make your chest up as much as you can so that all the load comes to your chest muscles.

Proper Form For Barbell Curl:

While performing biceps workout the main exercise you do is curls.Always keep your elbows close to your body and move the barbell with the same grip.Must keep your wrist alignment correct to put all the stress on your biceps instead of pumping your forearms.The other main thing to look is not to up you shoulder while raising the bar as when You do all the tension is broken between the rep and as a result your muscle wont grow.

Other Things To Remember:

Always do proper warm up before exercise.Try not to just complete your set and carry out reps try to enjoy each and every rep by squeezing you muscle and felling the pump and always check your form because it is the only thing which differ You from others.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

what's your body type

knowing your own body type is necessary in order to start training and building muscle in right way.

Types Of Body Type:

There is total of three main body types


Person having this type of body is usually skinny, slim with long thin arms and find it hard to gain weight and create muscle.the main reason behind this is the fast metabolism of the person due to which the body burn calories fast.Ectomorph usually need more protein and natural carbs.


Person having this type of body have good definite muscle fat bones and find it simple to create muscle by training and working out hard mesomorph body person are usually considered lucky.


Person having more fat and round torso with soft body is usually endomorph who find it easier to gain fat and the main reason behind this id the slow metabolism of the body which burn less calories.The fat usually stores in the lower part such as thighs and hip.

How To Determine Your Body Type:

By keeping in mind the points explained above You can check your own body type by asking yourself  few question and the answer will lead you toward your body type.

1.Did you find it easier or difficult to lose weight?
   If yes then you are endomorph.

2.Are you a skinny guy with slim and long arms? 
   If yes then you are ectomorph.

3.do you see your bodybuilding gain easily? 
   If yes then you are mesomorph.

In last it doesn't matter much that which body type you belong to You can build your muscular physique by working hard and training with proper form and not overtraining your body.